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Critical illness cover

0204 579 2122

Why critical illness cover?

Many people aim to live a healthy lifestyle and may not envisage themselves becoming seriously ill or unable to work because of illness or an unfortunate accident. Should this happen, it can have a huge impact on you and your family’s lives, so it’s always best to be prepared. Critical illness cover is a long term insurance policy which provides you with a lump sum of money if you are diagnosed with a serious illness.

  • Conditions
    Be aware that not all conditions are covered and the policy will also state how serious the condition must be, but our advisers will be able to talk you through everything you need to know. Life insurance is a different cover, although we can provide protection for both under one policy.
  • Could you be covered?
    Dementia, stroke, heart attack, Parkinson’s, certain types and stages of cancer, and conditions such as multiple sclerosis are all examples of critical illnesses that may be covered. To make a claim for most illnesses you must have permanent symptoms, and you will receive one lump sum payment.
  • Cost
    The monthly amount you will pay for this insurance depends on many factors. These include your age, occupation, current and historic health, and your lifestyle, for example whether you are or have been a smoker. When deciding how much critical illness cover you may need, think about how much money you and your family or loved ones would need to get by financially if the unthinkable happens and you are unable to work.

How we can help

Our team of specialists can arrange the right level of cover to meet your needs. Whether you’re looking for a new policy or to amend existing cover, we can help you.

Should the unthinkable happen, our critical illness policy can offer you and your family protection and peace of mind against financial burdens, such as your mortgage, potential alterations to your home after diagnosis or even debts. We work with the UK’s top insurance providers to get you the best deal we can based on your individual circumstances.

Get in touch with a critical illness expert

Need expert advice? Our advisers can help. Request a callback or call the team now.

Life insurance with or without critical illness cover

We can offer access to life insurance from some of the UK’s leading life insurance companies, with or without critical illness cover. 

Choose from the following types of cover: 

  • Level term life insurance (with the option to add critical illness cover).
  • Decreasing term life insurance (with the option to add critical illness cover).
  • Whole of life Insurance.